Hey everyone just trying to stay on schedule for the upcoming shows. Life has a way of throwing stray balls at you and I'm no exception. With my busiest show schedule yet my shoulder injury seems to be flaring up badly, hence the lack of postings.
That said, I thought I'd share some of what I've been busy with. My village people got some clothes and hats. I've also been playing with backdrops for them, maybe eventually they can become cards, you never know.

But they were a little lonely so I started a new batch, thanks to miracles of pain medications. Some friends will be coming by to help me with the basics, priming, base-coating etc. in exchange for pizza.

Creations seem to be coming out of the woodwork or out of the oven literally.

They do seem like something out of Dawn of the Dead, or better yet "Trilogy of Terror".
I know I'm dating myself but does anyone remember Karen Black in that.

The segment was called "Amelia"

She brings home a Zuni doll, the chain binding the warriors spirit falls of, the doll comes to life and the fun begins.

I was terrified for days after, and hid all my GI Joe's just in case.
Compared to today's technology the Zuni doll's movement seem comical, but in it's day it was very effective. The story still holds up it's just the juju that seems childish.
Well I gotta get back to my dolls so that they can come to life in time for their debuts. Thanks everyone for your continued support and encouragement.
Oh gosh.. I remember that movie! It was SO scary!
Love all the creations in the oven.
~ Deb
Jorge, I hope you feel better soon!. I am amazed at the number of pieces you are working on... feeling some envy right about now.
Ha, ha, I guess we are in the same age bracket Jorge, I still remember that show. It was really one of the scariest shows I have ever seen. That little thing skittering around like that was really spooky. I love the idea of the background with your sculpts. Great idea for a card! Thanks for dropping by my blog and leaving such a nice comment. Seeing yours, I need to work harder. Pizza huh? Maybe I just need pizza. Hope your shoulder gets better soon, Tammy
Loved that movie! Your JOL are fantastic and look at all your wips. Hope your shoulder heals up quick!
The backdrops are great Jorge and those clothes are really well made. Great work.
I noticed the orange and black check socks your first guy is wearing; I have a pair of pink and black check socks and a pair of turquoise and black check socks. I want some socks like those ones!
To help with your shoulder injury try doing several shoulder rolls forward and then backwards, it helps. Sitting there working on stuff hunched over certainly doesn't help those shoulders. After those rolls rotate your head to the left several times and the same to the right. I speak from experience. I hope you get better quickly. Hooray for helping friends!
Wow, looks like you have been busy! Great work so far!! That Zuni doll is creepy, looks like me in the morning before I get my coffee!lol
Jorge, I didn't realize your shoulder was still dealing you fits. Didn't you have that worked on last year? Take care and make lots because I had a phone call from California on Sunday from a H&V collector that was thrilled to hear you are returning. She is bringing a friend too!!
Loved the movie by the way and your work is looking FABULOUS!
WOW!!!Your a busy artist! STJ is keeping you very busy! I have the Zuni doll, I hide him under my guest rooms bed...peeking from under the bed. That movie scared the s--- out of me and my little sister.
Sending healing thoughts your way...don't over do it!!!!
Bugs & hisses
Gee Jorge, don't let any of those "stray balls" hit you on the forehead!
Thanks everyone for all the healing thoughts! I'm touched (not just in the head)
That group pic of all your critters is almost creepy! In a good way of course!!
Looks like you have an assembly line going lol
Jorge! I LOVE the Villiage people! I painted a snowy backdrop for xmas once but I have got to try it for Halloween! You are so prolific! I am sorry to hear about your shoulder,but it Looks like you are going to be well prepared despite the difficulty! I love the real cloth clothing, taking it to another level with that!
Can't wait to see them all in person!
Trilogy of Terror is still one of my all-time favorite old school scary movies. Great taste!
AND looking forward to meeting you at Spirits in Sanford this year!
SpOOky CK >:-)
Hi Jorge,
I was told about that movie and searched for it for years and it finally showed up on my tv on a scary movie channel and I got to watch it. Very funny but frightening at the same time.
Love your wip
Take care of you shoulder.
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