
But they were a little lonely so I started a new batch, thanks to miracles of pain medications. Some friends will be coming by to help me with the basics, priming, base-coating etc. in exchange for pizza.

Creations seem to be coming out of the woodwork or out of the oven literally.

They do seem like something out of Dawn of the Dead, or better yet "Trilogy of Terror".
I know I'm dating myself but does anyone remember Karen Black in that.

The segment was called "Amelia"

She brings home a Zuni doll, the chain binding the warriors spirit falls of, the doll comes to life and the fun begins.

I was terrified for days after, and hid all my GI Joe's just in case.
Compared to today's technology the Zuni doll's movement seem comical, but in it's day it was very effective. The story still holds up it's just the juju that seems childish.
Well I gotta get back to my dolls so that they can come to life in time for their debuts. Thanks everyone for your continued support and encouragement.