Finally home after a whirlwind season of Halloween fun that culminated in the 3rd annual Spirits in Sanford Show. First and foremost I wish to thank all of you that came. Your support and enthusiasm for my work is what has kept me going through some "bumpy" times. It was great to see friendly faces and to meet wonderful new people and Artist. Thanks also to Jeanine Taylor, Mary Shaw and the fabulous sister's Robyn and Susanne for their putting together a wonderful event at Spirits in Sanford.
Despite foul weather the enthusiasm for all things Halloween prevailed. There were collectors from far and wide, Tampa, Fort Lauderdale and even Atalanta.
I was thrilled to meet many of you who have been collecting my work from the very beginning and to let you know that those pieces are the "original original's".
Our little get together seems to be catching on thanks to all of you that attended.
I wish their could have been more time to chat with everyone.
You were greeted as the you entered by by these two characters!

As usual Jeanine and Company had quite the spread for all
ham-man was odd but delicious!
I couldn't have physically done the show without the help of the lovely Deb George and her son.
Allen Cunningham look spiffy in his vintage inspired costume. Wish you could have seen his feet. His creations keep getting more inspiring.
It was great to meet artist Deana Ellis who plied her wonderful felted wares.
I was fortunate to have my table next to Monine Brocco and her creations.
In the background you catch a glimpse of Tracey Jean Kraft.
Up Front were the fabulous and eclectic Melissa Menzer
and Pink Eyed Sissies Halloween Jewelry.
Elaine Thomas and Diane Waldron couldn't make it but shared a table maned by one of the galleries sprites.
These were all from the preview Night, unfortunately the pics I took on the day of the event were with a dead battery. One of our collectors was kind enough to send one of his.
Im already looking forward to next years event. If you didn't make this year mark your calendars for next year.