Im just getting a chance to catch my breath from the second stop of this years whirlwind show tour. This past weekend was the annual festivities of Halloween & Vine, now in it's 16th year. Once again it was great seeing old freinds and meeting new artist and collectors. I'd like to thank everyone for their continued support and encouragement that make this wonderful event possible. It is becuase of faithful...familiar and encouraging new collectors that make this show such a sucess for me and all the visiting artist. Faith and encouragement foster hope, and hope in turn brings ideas to fruition.
In the frenzy that is setup and pre-show jitters, I missed some artist.Once my table was setup I had a few minutes to make the rounds before the Hall closed the night before the show, and again early on the morning of the show. I apologize in advance for the quality and spotyness of my photography.
One of the the most magical reasons this show is so wondeful is to be in the presence and company of the whimsical and masterful Jack Roads. His work never ceases to amaze and inspire many of us.

It was great fun to see the return of the prolific Vergie Lightfoot and her creations.
Nicole Sayres shows us some of her wonderful characters after setup.
Another highlight for me was finally meeting the talented Len Betham. If you've ever seen his work, let me tell you the pictures do not do them justice. amazing detail and craftsmanship are evident in every brush stroke and sticht. He was somewher dong the rounds. If you look closely you can catch a glimpse of artist Dennis Hayes in the background. Len was lucky enough to be table mates with David Everet of Chicken Lips directly behind him.
Arbutus Hunters newest creations in spun cotton left me and the crowds just spellbound. I only wish that I had a more crisp photo so that you could see the amazing detail and craftsmanship involved. Up on the stage you can catch a glimpse of Jack Roads and his many admirers.

Of course there were so many others that I either couldn't get to or whose pictures were just not up to pare. Lori Rudolph, Amelia Scheafer, Brandi Mckenna, Lori Ann Corelis, Katherine Weber, Iva Wilcox for starters.
As usual, the line started to gather in spite of nippy weather and quickly rounded the corner as early as 6:30 AM.
The doors finally opened and all the magic and wonder that is Halloween & Vine came to pass once again. I'm already looking forward to next year and another sucessful show.
Of course in just 2 weeks Ill be completing this years whirlwind tour at the 3rd Annual Spirits in Sanford, I'm certainly looking forward to seeing everyone there so do come in join us , it's certaubkt wirth tghe tripic and wonder that is Halloween & vine came to Pass.