Hello everyone. No I've not been abducted by aliens, I'm still here. Here being relative. I apologize for my lack of posting but my plate has been full with some ongoing health issues.

Well, the last of the Halloween shows I was attending came to pass. What a ride it was this year from September to date, Halloween and Vine seems ages ago, it seems it was only yesterday that I was in Spirits in Sanford and of course I’m still reeling from all the fun had by all at Spookytime Jingles Soiree and after party.
After all the prepping, packing, repacking setup and breakdown, the most memorable moments are those shared with old friends and new ones.
I thought Id share some of those memories in pictures, that is the ones I was able to capture. Why does it always seem you've taken a thousand pictures, then when you upload the camera it's a quarter of what you thought. When you get a chance you visit and since you visited you think you took a picture, arrgh!
Before the setup we had a chance to visit the surrounding areas that were full of promise for exploring and picturesque to behold.
a quiet moment before the show.
It begins!
Of course there was Dani in Charge, our fearless leader who kept everyone on track.
It wasn't long before we were all set up and Dani was all decked out at the door to greet everyone.
Sweet B's treats!
the crowds were soon in and doing more than just browsing.
We had special visitors like Chris Klingler, seen here with Marie Patterson and Lulu Kellog,
Carolee Clark, Jennifer MacNeill Traylor who were to quick to capture in picture form, as well as the Charming and supportive Hugh Alan Luck
Thanks for stopping by guys it was great fun meeting all of you.
It was a fun day that didn't end at the Soiree.
Sweet Marie Patterson was gracious enough to open her home to us for an after party were fun was had by all.
the spread was incredibly delicious!
Of course it wasn't long before we had to say our goodbyes, but not till we promised to all come back next year and keep in touch till then.
I thank all of you collectors and artist alike from the bottom of my heart for all your support and encouragement. It is because of this support that I am able to continue to explore and share my creative endouvers.
A great big thank you to all those of you who ventured into the gallery this weekend to grab a piece of of Original Halloween Art and fun.
The Town of Sanford really gets into the Holiday spirit as seen in these pics of some of their window displays including the local newspaper.
Take a peek in the lower left corner and catch one of Joanna Parkers creations.
Jeanine Taylor of Gallery on First put together a great group of Artists this year.
There was Chris Klingler of Designs by CK with his whimsical and elaborate drawings and prints; you can't appreciate the detail until you see them in person.
The Lovely Dianne Waldron of Sew Primitives and her oh-so infectious creations.
A Sweetheart of a Gal, Deb George and her humorous and spooky characters.
The Charming Sara Whitmore and her fantastic mixed media art.
Not even a broken leg could keep an old hand like Melissa Menzer away form a second show, I have a feeling that cast around her leg will turn into some of her wonderful creations.
And of course there was me and my dog and pony show.
It was great fun getting to know all the new artists as we set up on Friday.
The Fun started that evening with a great Champagne reception for dedicated collectors and a raffle. Jeanine put on a spread that would make Martha Stewart proud.
All black and orange foods. Yummy!!
Folks were already in the Halloween spirit wearing their creepiest finery for the event.
It was an intimate event that let artists and collectors get to know each other. I certainly enjoyed it. It allowed everyone to wind down and relax before the big day.
Me and a visiting Glamorous Ghoul!
The doors opened and the FUN began. The room soon filled with familiar faces from last year, the night before and excited new ones. I can't thank everyone enough for the warm welcome and encouraging words that were offered to us.
As the day wore on and the tables were cleared by collectors, we all reluctantly tore down our little worlds knowing that goodbyes were at hand.
There were old freindships renewed and new ones forged between artists and collectors.
Now I'm back for a couple of days before heading to the next great event, the First Annual SpookyTime Jingles Soiree this Saturday the 16th with a preview cocktail on the Friday 15th.
Just a quick posting to say how pleased I am to be a part of this issue of Celebrate365. Not just once, but three times. I know, I know... I couldn't believe it.
Just to part of this great publication that features so many talented artist would've been great but this! Im giddy.
You see my JOL Lady first on pages 14-15
You still have a chance to snatch any one these up, first at Spirits in Sanford on October 9th
Hope to see some of you there.
And what a party it was. The 15th annual Halloween and Vine has come and gone, but not before old acquaintances were renewed and new ones sewn. A great big thanks to all those of true blue as well as new collectors who continue to support this talented group of artist. It is through your efforts that we can continue our creative endeavors.
I got there a little early so I jumped in and helped getting some of the decorations together with Ginny Diezel one of the original founders of Halloween And Vine.
It wasn't long before others started to arrive like Dani Nelson and Wendy Leaumont from Spookytime Jingles.
It didn't take long to realize I had to get my act together so after a little caffiene fix ti was to work I went, and at the speed of light as you can see!
after a bit I was all set up and ready for the next day.
I apologize for the lack of pics of other Artists booth but when in a rush and at a certain age taking pictures without a tripod produces, shall we say a nebulous result.
David's table from ChickenLips was all set and done as was everyone else's by the end of the day.
An encouraging line of collectors almost 200 strong ready and waiting for the doors to open at nine, many had been there since before dawn, amazing ,right. Thank you all!
The doors opened and the crowds thronged to the artists tables.
Not long into the event did William Bezek's table looked sparse as his collectors picked it to the bone in no time.
One thing led to another and before you knew it in much too short a time it was over.
But the fun didn't end there most of us ended up at the after party held at the Adobe Pumpkin Farm. Great food, lovely live music fantastic crowd all made for a delightful evening. After many goodbyes we were off early the next day. For some reason my TomTom plotted a route back to San Francisco that I had never taken, I went with the flow and was I glad.. the scenery was spectacular as you can see.
It was the perfect ending for a great weekend. Till next Year!
Now to get ready for Spirits in Sanford and SpookyTimeJinges Soiree, see ya all there!