Hello everyone, it's been awhile since my last post yet it seems like only yesterday. First off let me thank you for all your lovely comments and support. I've mostly had my head buried in work trying to meet the show deadlines coming up. All of a sudden I looked up and around me and this place is beginning to look like Giapetto's workshop! I took a break and decided to share some pics of where I'm at.
You can see the finished version of my onion man, that I blogged about on my last posting. I am very happy with the way he came out. He'll be making his debut at Halloween and Vine this September 26th.
What a cry baby! but I love him. He's gonna be a hard one to say goodbye too. I'll just have to make more veggie people won't I?

I haven't finished the back of her hat yet but she's coming along nicely.
Some other fun pieces that I actually finished in this latest batch were my candy container boxes. I haven't done these in awhile for lack of boxes but I was able to get a hold of some square ones that I caught my fancy.
Their heads jiggle on tinseled coiled wire, they are very animated when handled.

She was rescued from the brink of death a couple of months ago with a really bad cold. She's worked her way into my heart much to the Chagrin of my other cat Cosa. She has brought much inspiration to me. She reminds me of the starlet character in "Roger Rabbit", her name escapes me now, I think it was Jessica Rabbit. Anyway her line was was that she was just drawn "bad". Well the same goes for Talu, she looks mean but is a real sweetheart.
Well back to the trenches.